In our Early Intervention program, we service children with developmental delays, from birth through 3 years of age.
All our providers are highly skilled and stay up to date with the latest technologies and techniques to better service our clients. Our clinical supervisors are always available to provide additional input and support for both families and practitioners.
Services provided are dictated by each child’s IFSP and include but are not limited to:
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Developmental Intervention
Behavioral Services
Vision and Hearing Services
Social Work/Family Training
All services, which are based on a coaching model, take place in the child’s natural environment. Caregivers are an integral part of our program – they enable Bata to maximize the child’s success. Therapists consistently train, share and encourage caregivers to participate in all sessions. Bata also provides parent support services to help the family.
For more information, email EarlyIntervention@batainc.com